NewZFinders 1.1
Free   6.5 MB

NewZFinders 1.1

Free NewZFinders is a Usenet search engine freeware, search file .NZB
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Free   6.5 MB

NewZFinders is a Usenet search engine freeware, search file .NZB. NewZFinders is much faster than the search engines online with many more options and settings.
The application search on all groups of usenet available ( over 800 ). A simple interface (or advanced), to be searched by multiple criteria.

NewZFinders contains a multitude of options which makes it superior to other search engine.

Main features:
Minimum size and maximum
- Age maximum retention (up to 1000 days)
- Can only see the complete archives.
- Search only on selected groups (740 groups)
- Search by Author
- Exclude a word search
- Exclude the possibility of items considered spam
- Whole words only
- Article Title
- Size of article
- Article Date
- Group that the item goes
- Author of Article
- If the article contains a file NFO ( and possibility to view )
- If the article contains files PAR2
- Number of files available
- Ability to see the collection of the item (if multiple files)
- Ability to five simultany searches
- Ability to delete items already downloaded the search results
- Different color when the item has already been downloaded (blue)
- Different color when the article is incomplete (red)
- Allows you to create a list of favorite groups
- Allows you to search through lists of pre-made group
- Possibility of an internal search (filter) results in
- Saving the names of research carried
- Display information in a section of state bar

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It is the Best Usenet search engine.

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This is the best search engine.

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